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Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC)


Danielle Katz, MD
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Chair, GMEC and ACGME Designated Institutional Official


Office of Graduate Medical Education
Alison Overend
Room 1816, University Hospital


The GMEC is designed to oversee all residency programs sponsored by Upstate Medical University. Responsibilities of the Committee include: establishment and implementation of policies affecting the quality of education and the work environment of residents, oversight of and liaison with program directors and appropriate personnel of affiliated institutions, review of all ACGME letters of accreditation and the monitoring of plans for the correction of areas of noncompliance, oversight of regular internal program reviews, assurance that residency programs establish written policies on the processes for the selection, evaluation, promotion and termination of residents in compliance with ACGME program requirements, assurance of educational environment where residents may raise issues without fear of intimidation or retaliation, making appropriate recommendations on funding for resident positions, monitoring of duty hours and assurance that the residents' curriculum provides a regular review of ethical, socioeconomic, medical/legal and cost containment issues that affect GME and medical practice.

Related Standing Committees/Subcommittees/Ad hoc Committees/Task Forces:

Resident Advisory Council is comprised of non-chief residents who are peer selected from all training programs.
