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Primary Care Task Force

The Primary Care Task Force is a multidisciplinary team including providers, administrators and support staff to identify opportunities for improvement, provide resources and ultimately improve staff and patient experience across Upstate.  

Specific functions of this team include: 

  • Provide insight on short- and long-term operational innovations which focus on patient satisfaction and high quality care. 
  • Create a stabilizing influence to organizational concepts and directives supporting primary care growth. 
  • Develop primary care project(s) scope and business case analyses. 
  • Establish framework to guide decisions on practice acquisitions, conversions, regional network and integration opportunities. 
  • Leverage the expertise and experience of industry leaders in development of

Education Series

The Primary Care Task Force hosts regular education series aimed at bringing Upstate Specialty providers to Upstate Primary Care providers. Upcoming presentations will be announced via Upstate Announcements. 

View Past Presentations

