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Powers and Duties

New York State Education Law § 356

  1. Subject to the general management, 根据州立大学校董会制定的规则进行监督和控制, 州立大学各公办机构的业务和事务,在当地由十人组成的理事会监督, 其中九名由校长任命,一名由学校学生选举产生. Such voting members shall be subject to every provision of any general, special or local law, ordinance, charter, code, 适用于该委员会有表决权成员履行其职责的规则或规例,包括, but not limited to, those provisions setting forth codes of ethics, disclosure requirements and prohibiting business and professional activities. 学生委员的选举应按照各自有代表性的校园学生会颁布的规章制度和州立大学董事会制定的指导方针进行. One member shall be designated by the governor as chairman. 州立大学的本科公立学院与另一所高等教育机构相邻,并且该本科公立学院的学生是, under arrangements made by the state university, taking a substantial portion of their courses at such other institution, 其他院校的校长或其他负责人为该本科公立院校的理事会当然成员. Initial appointments, other than the student member and ex-officio members, shall be for terms expiring July first, nineteen hundred fifty-four, July first, nineteen hundred fifty-five, July first, nineteen hundred fifty-six, July first, nineteen hundred fifty-seven, July first, nineteen hundred fifty-eight, July first, nineteen hundred fifty-nine, July first, nineteen hundred sixty, July first, nineteen hundred sixty-one and, where there is no ex-officio member, July first, nineteen hundred sixty-two, respectively, and subsequent appointments, other than the student member, 任期为九年,自作出任命的历年七月一日起算. 空缺应在未届满的任期内以与原选择相同的方式填补. The term of office for each council member appointed on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six shall be seven years. 学生委员的任期为一年,由举行选举的历年七月一日起计, provided, however, 首次当选的学生委员任期为九个月,由十月一日起生效, nineteen hundred seventy-five and expiring June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-six. 如果学生会员不再是该机构的学生, such member shall be required to resign. 由总督委任的委员会成员可由总督撤换. 由学生选举产生的理事会成员,可由学生根据各自的代表性校园学生会根据州立大学受托人颁布的指导方针颁布的规章制度予以罢免. 这些理事会的成员不因其服务而获得报酬,但他们在履行其在本协定下的职责时实际和必要发生的费用应得到补偿.
  2. 国营事业单位理事会每年至少召开四次定期会议, and the chair, or any five members by petition, 可否在任何时候召开特别会议,并确定会议的时间和地点. 每次会议应至少提前7天通知至每位会员的惯常地址, unless such notice be waived by a majority of the council. 供理事会审议的决议必须在开会前不少于七天邮寄至每一理事会成员的惯常地址, 除非主席应在会议当天以书面提供需要立即表决的事实. 此类会议的议程应在会议前三天提供,并应视为公共记录. 出席会议的五名成员构成处理事务的法定人数,出席任何会议的过半数成员的行为即为理事会的行为.
  3. Subject to the general management, supervision, control and approval of, and in accordance with rules established by the state university trustees, the council of each state-operated institution shall, with respect to the institution or institutions for which it serves, exercise the following powers:
    1. 向州立大学董事会推荐候选人,由州立大学董事会任命为该机构的负责人;
    2. 审查该机构负责人的所有主要计划,使其更有效地运作,并就此提出它认为适当的建议. Such plans shall be submitted for approval by the state university trustees, together with the recommendations of the council with respect thereto. 州立大学的受托人应决定这些重大计划的构成, which are hereby generally defined to include, among others, plans for the appraisal or improvement of the faculty and other personnel, expansion or restriction of student admissions, 对学术课程和获得学位的标准的评估或改进, 扩大机构设施,评估或改善学生活动和住房;
    3. make regulations governing the care, custody and management of lands, grounds, buildings and equipment;
    4. 审查由该机构的负责人为该机构准备的拟议预算请求,并向州立大学受托人推荐该机构的预算;
    5. 促进公民咨询委员会的发展,以提供理事会可能要求的援助, and to appoint the members of such citizens' committees. 公民委员会的组成人员不受报酬,但是对其在履行职责中实际发生的必要费用,应当给予补偿;
    6. name buildings and grounds;
    7. make regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students;
    8. prescribe for and exercise supervision over student housing and safety;
    9. 每年9月1日或之前向州立大学受托人提交年度报告, 随时向他们报告任何他们认为需要他们注意的事情;
    10. perform such other powers and duties as may be authorized or required by the state university trustees by general rules or special directives; and
    11. make and establish, and from time to time alter and amend, such regulations pertaining to the affairs of its institution, not inconsistent with law or the rules of the state university trustees, 为有效地执行上述权力和职责,可能是必要或适当的.

(As amended L.1975, c. 587, § 2; L.1977, c. 164, § 2; L.1979, c. 406, § 2; L.1984, c. 296, § 6; L.1985, c. 552, § 8.)
