doctor performing gynecological procedure


We provide consultation and a range of services for patients with known or suspected gynecologic cancer.


Many patients will have a surgery as their first treatment. Complex gynecologic surgery removes the tumor and other growths that may have spread. 只要有可能, we use minimally invasive techniques to keep the incision are small and to improve the surgical recovery time.

As every woman is different, surgeries are planned to provide the best approach for each patient. 我们的程序包括:

  • 腹腔镜手术
  • 达芬奇机器人手术
  • Comprehensive Surgical Staging
  • 肿瘤减积
  • Prophylactic 手术 for 预防 of Gynecologic Cancer
  • 前哨节点映射


化疗 is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. When used with other treatments, chemotherapy can:

  • Make a tumor smaller before surgery or radiation therapy.
  • Destroy cancer cells that may remain after treatment with surgery or radiation therapy.
  • Destroy cancer cells that have returned or spread to other parts of your body.

临床试验 for patients with gynecologic cancer

A clinical trial is medical research that can be used to test new treatments and procedures. Your 癌症中心 physician will alert you to any clinical trials that may be appropriate for you. More information on clinical trials.

遗传 testing and surveillance for high-risk patients

遗传 testing uses laboratory methods to look at your genes, and may be used to identify increased risks of some cancers. 病人 in the high-risk program have access to genetic counseling, and ovarian cancer risk assessment is available for patients with possible Familial 卵巢癌 Syndrome.

遗传 counseling includes family history, 心理评估, and education on hereditary cancer syndromes, 基因(实验室)测试, 风险评估.

Pre-test and post-test counseling ensure that each patient can make informed decisions to reduce risk based on the genetic test results. Prophylactic laparoscopic surgery for removal of the tubes/ovaries/uterus is offered when indicated. For a patient diagnosed with cancer, each person has a unique combination of genetic changes which are brought into treatment decisions.